Everyone can benefit from Body Stress Release – from infants to the elderly. It is also safe during
pregnancy. Clients coming for Body Stress Release are usually looking for relief from pain, stiffness or other discomforts. People of all ages and from all walks of life find Body Stress Release to be extremely effective. Clients have reported relief from back pain, sciatica, ‘slipped’ discs, headaches,
migraines, neuralgia, indigestion, and restricted movements. Other conditions that have improved
with Body Stress Release include:
Musculo-skeletal complaints including whiplash, frozen shoulders, repetitive strain injuries,
hip pain, arthritis, neck pain, sports injuries, trapped nerves, scoliosis, bad posture, grinding
of teeth.
- Gynaecological disorders including fertility problems, painful and irregular periods,
menopausal side effects.
- Emotional problems including insomnia, anxiety, stress, general fatigue.
- Gastro-intestinal complaints including heartburn, indigestion, IBS, constipation, diarrhoea …
- Childhood complaints including colic in babies, poor posture, growing pains in children, bed wetting.
*Body Stress Release is not a diagnosis or treatment of any condition. It simply assists with locating and releasing stored tension from the muscles.
After a release, your practitioner will explain what was found and give you some simple advice and
self-help techniques.